The City

Lampung is the southernmost province of Sumatra island. The provincial capital of Bandar Lampung in Lampung. Tourism, nature and art and culture is one of the sectors that support people’s income of Lampung. This is supported by the provision of tourist facilities and infrastructure such as airports, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, bus terminals, train stations, ATM’S, banks, and others.

The sights of the beautiful spread in city/county located in Lampung, among others: the city of Bandar Lampung, Metro City, Ka right Way, North Lampung Regency South Lampung Regency, Regency West Lampung, Lampung Regency East Lampung Regency Pesawaran Regency, Central Government, the bones of the onion, and Kab Tanggamus. Every tourist places in Lampung has the appeal of each.

List of tourist attractions in Lampung which are interesting to be visited by tourists are Dewi Mandapa Beach, Margotirto Dam, Lake Suoh, Mopung Binoculars, Trikora Rubber Gardens, Way Sajak Springs, Bukit Kumbang, Puncak Mas, Goa Minang Rua Beach, Tegal Mas Island, Way Kambas National Park, Pasir Putih Beach, Kiluan Bay Beach, Gigi Hiu Beach, Mutun Beach, Sari Ruding Beach, Pahawang Island, Siger Tower and others.